Irrigation is a hot topic in today’s world, not only due to the fact that it’s sunny here in Northern Colorado over 300 days a year, but also because of today’s economy and sustainable mindset that drives us to pay closer attention to budgets and our environment.
Your irrigation system is a great way to address both of these issues, and as a trusted landscaping company in Loveland, we can help you with this.
The Master Valve
Many irrigation systems do not have master valves installed, and this can cost you a lot of money. Master valves help protect your wallet from high water bills by reducing the water pressure during run time as well as stopping water from escaping during non-run time. Installing a master valve near your water meter can help you reduce the risk of losing money should there be a failure at a glue joint or other similar incident. Master valves can be installed on most irrigation systems and are very affordable.
Fix Sprinklers
This is obvious, but should be pointed out as well. Fixing your sprinkler lines is a huge
Consider Water Efficient Technologies
Soil moisture or climate sensor-based irrigation controllers work by evaluating soil moisture or weather conditions and then automatically adjusting the irrigation system to meet your landscape’s specific needs. This “smart” water technology goes above and beyond rain sensors by measuring Evapotranspiration (ET) and rainfall and then adjusting the amount of water that is released every cycle. This means you save money and water.
Are you interested in learning more about our water efficient technologies? Give us a call and see how we can help you!